Wednesday 13 April 2016


Firsty, untuk entry yang pertama sis nak buat intro sikit. Actually, sis already have my own blog before this but that blog really need to delete because too much personal for public view. Itu pun recommendation from my partner. Biasa la kan, Bila sis muda dulu, tak matured lagi, Blog pun dah macam diary. So, sis tak prefer anybody to share their own personal life dekat public. Someway, kita takkan rasa apa pun, but once kita dah sampai satu level di mana kita grow up that thing kita akan rasa annoying sangat. Semua orang nak share something untuk tempat luahkan perasaan, but maybe blog is not the way. Kalau nak share lain, it's ok. Jangan jadi macam sis ye.

So, this blog sis akan share about interest, hobby, sport, make up, beauty care especially for the ladies. Then, sis akan buat review some of the products yang sis rasa bagus untuk share dekat orang ramai. Rasanya sis tak nak la banyak story untuk entry yang first ni, Itu je...

So sorry, ayat sis memang berterabur sikit. Sis tak terror BM dengan BI. aje... Sis main tulis je apa yang sis rasa nak tulis. That's all. Till keep in touch with me for next entry. *** Bear ni pun nak babai jugak ke??? Haha. Comel sangat. Daa!!!


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